Department of History at the Faculty of Humanities Diponegoro University (FIB Undip), held a “Research and Historical Writing Training” event on Saturday, March 8, 2025. The event took place at Building A, Room A.3.11, FIB Undip, from 08:30 to 12:00 WIB and was specifically attended by undergraduate History students from the 2022 cohort.
Efforts to Improve Student Graduation Rates

Acara “Pelatihan Penelitian dan Penulisan Sejarah” dibuka dengan sambutan oleh Prof. Dr. Dhanang Respati Puguh, M.Hum., Ketua Program Studi S1 Sejarah FIB Undip.
The “Research and Historical Writing Training” event began with an opening speech by Prof. Dr. Dhanang Respati Puguh, M.Hum., Head of the Undergraduate History Program at FIB Undip. In his speech, he highlighted the history students’ graduation rate, which still exceeds five years, leading to an accumulation of new students each year.
According to him, despite the addition of 12 new lecturers to support the program, this issue remains a challenge. Therefore, this training is expected to motivate students to start working on their thesis so they can graduate on time by 2026.
Additionally, Prof. Dhanang emphasized the importance of selecting the right research scope. He advised students not to choose topics that are too narrow and to understand the differences between scientific articles, undergraduate theses, master’s theses, and dissertations.
Strategies for Topic Selection and Use of Visual Sources
The event featured two keynote speakers who provided insights into historical research and writing:
1. Dr. Tri Handayani, M.Si.

Dr. Tri Handayani, M.Si., dosen Sejarah Undip membawakan materi berjudul “Tips Untuk Mendapatkan Gagasan dan Mengembangkan Gagasan Dalam Penelitian dan Penulisan Sejarah”.
Dr. Tri Handayani, M.Si., a history lecturer at Undip, presented a session titled “Tips for Generating and Developing Ideas in Historical Research and Writing.” In her presentation, she explained various methods for discovering research topics, such as:
- Observing the surrounding environment, sharing stories with friends, and reflecting on personal experiences.
- Reading diverse literature, including books, articles, and unique relevant writings.
- Exploring social media to gain new perspectives.
- Changing writing environments, such as trying a new location or adjusting writing schedules.
She emphasized that students must also analyze words and thoughts carefully when determining a research idea to ensure strong academic value in their work.
2. Keke Pahlevi Daradjati, S.Pd., M.A.

Keke Pahlevi Daradjati, S.Pd., M.A., dosen Sejarah FIB Undip ini menyampaikan materi mengenai “Penggunaan Sumber Visual dalam Penelitian Sejarah”.
Keke Pahlevi Daradjati, S.Pd., M.A., a history lecturer at FIB Undip, delivered a session on “The Use of Visual Sources in Historical Research.” She highlighted that visual sources play a crucial role in historical studies.
According to her, visual sources can be categorized into two main types:
- Two-dimensional visuals, such as paintings, photographs, maps, posters, and banners.
- Audiovisual materials, including speech recordings, documentaries, and videos of historical events.
Faculty Support and Future Plans
The Dean of the Faculty of Humanities at Undip, Prof. Dr. Alamsyah, M.Hum., expressed his full support for this initiative. He emphasized that such positive academic programs are essential for the academic and professional development of history students.

Acara Pelatihan Penelitian dan Penulisan Sejarah FIB Undip.
This training will not stop here. A follow-up session is scheduled for Saturday, March 15, 2025, featuring two new speakers. The event is expected to further enhance students’ research and writing skills, enabling them to complete their studies on time with high-quality results.
This training serves as a concrete step toward improving graduation rates among history students at FIB Undip. With substantial materials and full faculty support, students are encouraged to solidify their thesis work and complete their studies efficiently and successfully.
Live coverage by Ara Sandina Diva (Undergraduate History Student, FIB Undip, Class of 2022).