Dra. Sri Puji Astuti, M.Pd.

Area of expertise: Discourse analysis
S1 (Bachelor’s degree): Indonesian Literature, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
S2 (Master’s degree): Indonesian Language Education, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia
Email : sripujiastuti@lecturer.undip.ac.id
Scopus Author ID : 58156827500
ORCID ID : https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4811-722X
Sinta ID : 6714769
- Mujid Farihul Amin. Muh Muzakka, dan Sri Puji Astuti, 2022, Gaya Bahasa dalam Lirik Lagu Karya Rhoma Irama (Language Styles in the Lyrics of Rhoma Irama), Semarang, SINT Publishing.
- Mujid F.A. Muh Muzakka, Sri Puji Astuti, dan Mujid Farihul Amin, 2023. Mengungkap Makna Lirik Lagu Karya Rhoma Irama (Uncovering the Meaning Behind Rhoma Irama’s Song Lyrics). Kendal, Pelataran Sastra Kaliwungu.
- Sri Puji Astuti, 2017, Persuasi dalam Wacana Iklan (Persuasion In Advertising), Nusa, 12 (1)
- M. Suryadi dan Sri Puji Astuti, 2018. The Design of Unique Lexicon Formation of Javanese Speech in Semarang Lower Class Society. E3S Web of Conferences 73, 14021 (2018). The 3rd International Conference on Energy, Environmental and Information System (ICENIS 2018).
- Sri Puji Astuti, 2018, Pola Alih Tutur dalam Naskah Drama First Love Karya Inggrida Wisnu S. (The Turn-Taking Pattern in the Play ‘First Love’ by Inggrida Wisnu S.) Nusa. Vol 13 No 3 August 2018
- Sri Puji Astuti, 2019, Tuturan Langsung dan Tidak Langsung antara Penjual dan Pembeli di Pasar Tradisional Semarang. (Direct and Indirect Speech Acts Between Buyers and Sellers in Semarang Traditional Markets) Nusa. Vol 14, No 2: May 2019.
- Sri Puji Astuti, 2020. Koherensi dalam Semangatku Kebahagiaanku Meraih Energi Positif dengan Nuansa Islami untuk Hidup Lebih Bersemangat dan Prestatif Karya Gigih Kurniawan (Coherence in the Book Semangatku Kebahagiaanku Meraih Energi Positif dengan Nuansa Islami untuk Hidup Lebih Bersemangat dan Prestatif by Gigih Kurniawan). Nusa. Vol 15 no 1 February 2020
- Sri Puji Astuti, dkk. Language Style in the Lyrics of the Song ” Virus Corona “, “Bencana”, and “Suratan” by Rhoma Irama, Scopus-Indexed Proceedings. ICENIS 2021
- Sri Puji Astuti dan Risma Herninda. The Meaning of Connotations with Natural Symbols in Song Lyrics of “Api dan Lautan”, “Bahtera Cinta”, and ”Senandung Rindu” by Rhoma Irama. Scopus-Indexed Proceedings, ICENIS 2022
- Hassya Ancelia Sapna dan Sri Puji Astuti, Lexical Cohesion in Song Lyrics of “Malapetaka”, Bencana”, and “Kemarau” by Rhoma Irama, ICENIS 2022
- Sri Puji Astuti dan Aramuti Bunga, Language Style in Song Lyrics of “Doa Sepasang Petani Muda”, “Nyanyian Burung Pepohonan,” “Bahasa Matahari,” and “Senandung Pucuk-Pucuk Pinus” by Ebiet G. Ade, Vol 1 (2023): Proceedings Icocas https://proceedings.undip.ac.id/index.php/icocas/article/view/719/473
- Sri Puji Astuti,dkk. The Connotative Meaning Of Song Lyrics Of ”Serenade” And ”Engkaulah Yang Merebut Hatiku” By Ebiet G Ade, Vol 2 (2024): Proceedings Icocas https://proceedings.undip.ac.id/index.php/icocas/issue/view/10
- 2nd Head, Indonesian Literature Regular Study Program (2006-2014)
- Secretary, Indonesian Literature Study Program (2016-2021)