Dani Mohammad Ramadhan, S.Ant., M.Ant.

Areas of Expertise: Environmental Anthropology, Culture and Policies, Political Ecology
S1 (Bachelor’s degree): Anthropology, Universitas Padjadjaran (lulus tahun 2016)
S2 (Master’s degree): Anthropological Sciences, Universitas Padjadjaran (lulus tahun 2019)
Email : danimr@lecturer.undip.ac.id
Scopus Author ID : 57208862388
ORCID ID : https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9128-0428
Sinta ID : 6806384
Garuda-ID : 5622758
WoS-ID : LKJ-6386-2024
Website : https://www.linkedin.com/in/dani-ramadhan-867b21142/
- Komalasari, D., & Ramadhan, D. M. (2024). Local ecological knowledge on mangroves among Tambakrejo community in northern Semarang: The case of CAMAR community. Proceedings International Conference of Culture and Sustainable Development 2.
- Amir, S., Ufaira, R. M., Ramadhan, D. M., & Nastiti, A. (2024). Experimenting collaborative urbanism: The experience of megacity Jakarta. Journal of Urbanism: International Research on Placemaking and Urbanism.
- Ramadhan, D. M., Fadullah, M., Komalasari, D., Fadila, A., Amaradani, M. S., & others. (2024). Changing waves: Maritime community cultural responses to the Anthropocene in Tambak Lorok, Semarang. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1317(1), 012018.
- Ramadhan, D. M., & Pamungkas, D. E. (2023). Excluding from governance? Coastal community role in changing climate governance in North Pekalongan, Central Java, Indonesia. Proceedings International Conference of Culture and Sustainable Development 1.
- Ramadhan, D. M., & Prabowo, B. A. (2023). Local coastal governance in addressing climate change issues: A case study at North Pekalongan, Central Java, Indonesia. Proceedings International Conference of Culture and Sustainable Development 1.
- Fatmaningsih, F., & Ramadhan, D. M. (2022). Strategi adaptasi sopir angkot Purwokerto dalam bertahan hidup di tengah kehadiran Trans Banyumas (Adaptation Strategies of Purwokerto Angkot Drivers for Survival Amid the Presence of Trans Banyumas). Endogami: Jurnal Ilmiah Kajian Antropologi, 7(1), 183-197.
- Amir, S., Ufaira, R., Ramadhan, D. M., & Nastiti, A. (2022). City profile: Jakarta. Cool Infrastructures: Life with Heat in the Off-grid City.
- Abdullah, A., Amir, S., Amin, S., Anwar, N. H., Campbell, K., Nandatama, Y. H., & others. (2022). Extreme heat and COVID-19: The impact on the urban poor in Asia and Africa. Cool Infrastructures: Life with Heat in the Off-grid City.
- Anwar, N. H., Ramadhan, D. M., Nandatama, Y. H., Fatima, A., Macktoom, S., & others. (2022). Recipes for life with heat during Ramzan. Cool Infrastructures: Life with Heat in the Off-grid City.
- (2022) Participating Lecturer in the Batanghari Expedition, Directorate of Protection of Culture, Kemendikbudristekdikti.
- (2022) Social Expert for the Social Vulnerability Assessment of the PTSL-PM Program in Central Java (Joint cooperation between the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning
- and UNDIP).
- (2023) Social Expert for the PROPER Assessment of PT. Inalum in Meat Village, Balige District, Toba Asahan Regency.
- (2023) Resiliensi Nelayan Tangkap Menghadapi Perubahan Iklim: Studi Kasus Nelayan Tangkap di Kelurahan Kandang Panjang, Kecamatan Pekalongan Utara, Kota Pekalongan (The Resilience of Capture Fishermen in Facing Climate Change: A Case Study of Capture Fishermen in Kandang Panjang Subdistrict, North Pekalongan District, Pekalongan City) (Hibah Internal FIB Undip).
- (2023-2024) Social Expert for the Development of the Master Plan for the Occupational Health Hospital (RSKK), Rancaekek, Bandung Regency, West Java.
- (2024) Etnoekologi dan Inisiatif Konservasi Lingkungan Pada Masyarakat Pesisir Perkotaan (Studi Kasus di Kelurahan Tambakrejo, Kecamatan Gayamsari, Kota Semarang) (Ethnoecology and Environmental Conservation Initiatives in Urban Coastal Communities (A Case Study in Tambakrejo Subdistrict, Gayamsari District, Semarang City)) (Hibah Internal FIB Undip).
- (2024) Social Expert for the Study of Flood Mitigation Through Community Empowerment in Demak Regency (In Collaboration with the Demak Regency Bappedalitbang)..
- (2024) Social Expert for the Preparation of KLHS Technical Materials for RDTR of DKI Jakarta (In Collaboration with the Cipta Karya, Spatial Planning, and Land Agency (DCKTRP) of DKI Jakarta).