Izmy Khumairoh S.Ant., M.A

Religious Anthropology
S1 (Bachelor’s degree) : Social Anthropology, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia
S2 (Master’s degree): Anthropology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
Email : izmykhumairoh@lecturer.undip.ac.id
Scopus Author ID : 58931568200
ORCID ID : 0009-0008-2644-7544
Sinta ID : 6798415
Garuda-ID : 4126282
WoS-ID : KFB-1303-2024
Website : –
- Izmy Khumairoh, 2023, Buku Ajar Antropologi Agama: Tradisi dan Warisan Durkheimian (Religious Anthropology Textbook: Durkheimian Heritage and Traditions), Semarang, Undip Press.
- Izmy Khumairoh, 2023, Buku Ajar Antropologi Konsumsi: Sekumpulan Objek dan Analisis (Anthropology of Consumption Textbook: Some Objects and Analysis), Semarang, Undip Press.
- Izmy Khumairoh, 2023, BUKU PROFIL KEBUDAYAAN DESA KARANGSARI KECAMATAN PULOSARI KABUPATEN PEMALANG (Cultural Profile of Karangsari Village, Pulosari Subdistrict, Pemalang Regency), Semarang, Undip Press.
- Izmy Khumairoh, 2023, BUKU PROFIL KEBUDAYAAN DESA CLEKATAKAN KECAMATAN PULOSARI KABUPATEN PEMALANG (Cultural Profile of Celkatakan Village, Pulosari Subdistrict, Pemalang Regency), Semarang, Undip Press.
- Izmy Khumairoh, 2023, BUKU PROFIL KEBUDAYAAN DESA KARANGSARI KECAMATAN PULOSARI KABUPATEN PEMALANG (Cultural Profile of Karangsari Village, Pulosari Subdistrict, Pemalang Regency), Semarang, Undip Press.
- Izmy Khumairoh, 2023, BUKU PROFIL KEBUDAYAAN DESA WISNU KECAMATAN WATUKUMPUL KABUPATEN PEMALANG (Cultural Profile of Wisnu Village, Watukumpul Subdistrict, Pemalang Regency), Semarang, Undip Press.
- Salsabila Harinda Maharani & Izmy Khumairoh, 2023, BUKU PROFIL KEBUDAYAAN DESA GUNUNGSARI KECAMATAN PULOSARI KABUPATEN PEMALANG (Cultural Profile of Gunungsari Village, Pulosari Subdistrict, Pemalang Regency), Semarang, Undip Press.
- Prof. Dr. Alamsyah, M. Hum., Vicky Verry Angga, S.S., M.Hum., Izmy Khumairoh, S.Ant, M.A. & Sulistiono, S.Sn., 2024, Warisan Budaya Intangible Jawa Tengah : Nasi Gandul, Sop Senerek, dan Perayaan Sam Poo Besar (Central Java’s Intangible Cultural Heritage: Nasi Gandul, Sop Senerek, and the Grand Sam Poo Celebration), Semarang, Undip Press.
- Izmy Khumairoh, Miqdam Yusria Ahmad, Ria Anisatus Sholihah, Nur Qomariyah Imzastini, Herning Hambarrukmi, Nur Fajariyah, dkk, 2024, Muda Maslahat: Kontribusi dalam Membangun Generasi Maslahah Berkelanjutan (Muda Maslahat: Contributions to Building a Sustainable and Beneficial Generation), Semarang, Muntaha Noor Institute.
- Izmy Khumairoh, Dodi Faedlulloh, Verdy Firmantoro, dkk, 2024, Antologi Esai 30 Dosen Muda Gagasan Masa Depan: Kontempalasi Dosen Muda Indonesia (Young Lecturers With Ideas for the Future: Contemplations of Young Lecturers), Jakarta, Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga Republik Indonesia.
- Izmy Khumairoh, 2015, Baseline PNPM PEDULI Program (PNPM PEDULI Program Baseline) (Transgender & Street Children Issue), Kemitraan.
- Izmy Khumairoh, 2016, Poverty Census at Sumberoto Village, Kabupaten Malang, Yayasan Wilwatikta Sriphala Nusantara,
- Mies Grijns, Izmy Khumairoh, et al, 2017, Early Marriage in Sukabumi, West Java, Van Vollenhoven Institute for Law, Governance, and Society, Leiden University.
- Izmy Khumairoh, 2017, UMKM & Rumah Kreatif Telkom.
- Izmy Khumairoh, 2018, Criminalizing and Emancipatory Trends in Family Law in Indonesia and other Muslim Majorities Countries, Leiden University
- Izmy Khumairoh, 2021, Process Evaluation & The Context of Change in Sekolah Penggerak Program, Kemendikbud RI.
- Izmy Khumairoh, 2023, PRAKTIK KAWIN GANTUNG PADA MASYARAKAT DESA JRAKAH KECAMATAN SELO KABUPATEN BOYOLALI (The Practice of ‘Kawin Gantung’ (Married but not cohabitating) In the Community of Jrakah Village, Selo Subdistrict, Boyolali Regency), Undip.
- Member of the Diponegoro University FoH Center for Research and Community Service (UP3) (2022-2023)
- Head of the Diponegoro University FoH Center for Research and Community Service (UP3) (2024-today)