The current activities and steps of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, both teaching, research, and community service are associated with going international. Steps that are globally oriented are a necessity to realize the World Class Faculty, realizing Undip is ranked 500 World Class University. The vision and message were conveyed by the Dean of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Prof. Dr. Alamsyah, M.Hum, when opening the Faculty Work Meeting (RKF), February 6-7, 2025 at Grand Wahid Hotel Salatiga. “Our current mindset is international, we support and prepare strategic steps to go international, achieve World Class Faculty, World Class University,” said the Dean who was once Vice Dean I of FIB.

The Dean of FIB realizes that the vision and achievements of FIB can be realized when there is collaboration and synergy of all related parties. Therefore, through the RKF, all invited parties were given the opportunity to present their programs and achievements in the future. This meeting was attended by faculty leaders; Dean, Deputy Dean of Resources, Deputy Dean of Academic and Student Affairs. Then the Head of Department, Head and Secretary of the Study Program (S1, S2, and S2), TPMF, UP3, WCU, Expert Staff of Vice Dean I, Managers, and Supervisors. The heads of departments, kaprodi accompanied by sekprodi, fields and units, conveyed strategic steps to achieve the Main Performance Indicators (IKU) as well as the implementation of FIB to become a World Class Faculty. Strategic steps and discussions in the RKF, including strategies to increase publications and international cooperation, strengthen research and service, strengthen alumni and media networks, increase the achievements of FIB institutions and stakeholders, increase student achievement according to their respective fields, and prepare and service infrastructure to welcome the new semester. The presentation and brainstorming received feedback from the faculty leaders; Dean, Vice Dean I, Eta Farmacelia Nurulhady, S.S., M.Hum., M.A., Ph.D. and Vice Dean II, Dr. Dra. Siti Maziyah, M.Hum.

RKF was closed by the Dean of FIB, Prof. Dr. Alamsyah, M.Hum. There are different nuances in this RKF 2025, RKF is held on campus and in the city. RKF FIB Undip 2025, is expected to increase the commitment and motivation of all related parties, to support and implement strategic steps to realize World Class Faculty, and the achievement of IKU FIB Undip 2025 and in the future. Hopefully.