Faculty of Humanities (FIB) at Diponegoro University (Undip) conducted a socialization event on Credit Score Assessment (PAK) on March 5, 2025, as part of its efforts to support lecturer promotions. This event aimed to provide a deeper understanding of the PAK mechanism, which serves as the foundation for academic rank advancement for lecturers, teachers, and civil servants (ASN).
What is Credit Score Assessment (PAK)?
PAK is an evaluation system based on work achievements in academic and professional fields. It is used to determine promotions or rank advancements, particularly for lecturers and other educators. In the academic world, promotions depend on fulfilling various components, such as teaching, research, community service, and supporting activities.
Who Was Involved in This Socialization?
The socialization event was led by Prof. Dr. Drs. Irianto Widisuseno, M.Hum., a Professor at FIB Undip and the head of the PAK assessment team. Prof. Irianto provided a detailed explanation of the procedures and requirements that lecturers must meet to advance to higher ranks, such as Assistant Professor, Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, and Professor.

menggelar sosialisasi mengenai Penilaian Angka Kredit (PAK) sebagai bagian dari upaya mendukung kenaikan pangkat bagi dosen pada 5 Maret 2025.
FIB Undip Supports Lecturer Promotions
Dean of FIB Undip, Prof. Dr. Alamsyah, M.Hum., emphasized that the faculty is fully committed to supporting lecturers in their promotion process. He stated that the more lecturers achieve higher academic ranks, the better the faculty’s performance at the national and international levels.
“At FIB Undip, we are committed to assisting lecturers in their promotion applications, particularly toward Senior Lecturer, Lecturer, or Professor. This is crucial because one of the indicators of a study program’s quality is the number of lecturers holding higher academic positions,” said Prof. Alamsyah.
The faculty will also provide various facilities and intensive assistance to help lecturers meet all the PAK requirements. The key aspects that need to be fulfilled include:
- Teaching – Conducting academic teaching activities.
- Research – Publishing high-quality scientific research.
- Community Service – Engaging in activities that directly contribute to society.
- Supporting Activities – Other academic development activities.
Expectations and Next Steps
Dean of FIB Undip, Prof. Dr. Alamsyah, M.Hum., expressed his hope that all lecturers currently in the promotion process could successfully submit their applications without obstacles. He emphasized that academic promotions not only benefit individuals but also contribute to the institution’s progress.
“We hope that the promotion applications for our lecturers run smoothly and successfully. With more lecturers reaching higher ranks, this will strengthen our institution and drive progress for the Faculty of Humanities at Undip,” he added.
This socialization event reflects FIB Undip’s concrete efforts to foster a more professional and high-quality academic environment, aligning with Undip’s vision as a leading university in Indonesia.