Seminar on the Nomination of RM. Margono Djojohadikoesoemo as a National Hero was held on March 20, 2025, with support from the Faculty of Humanities, Diponegoro University (FIB Undip). The event took place at the Art Center Building, FIB Undip, from 08:30 AM to 12:30 PM WIB, and was attended by prominent figures, academics, and government representatives.
Purpose of the Seminar on the Nomination of RM. Margono Djojohadikoesoemo as a National Hero

Seminar Pengusulan Calon Pahlawan Nasional RM. Margono Djojohadikoesoemo pada 20 Maret 2025
This seminar aimed to discuss the contributions of RM. Margono Djojohadikoesoemo, a significant figure in Indonesia’s history, and to propose his name for the National Hero title. Speakers examined various aspects of Margono’s life, including his biography, exemplary values, and the criteria required for a figure to be recognized as a National Hero.
Key Figures Attending the Seminar

Seminar Pengusulan Calon Pahlawan Nasional RM. Margono Djojohadikoesoemo pada 20 Maret 2025
The event opened with remarks from several national figures, including:
- Chairman of the Indonesian Cyber Media Association (SMSI), who also served as the seminar’s responsible organizer.
- Ariyanto Suwondo Geni, Regional Head of BNI Yogyakarta.
- Prof. Dr. Suharnomo, S.E., M.Si., Rector of Diponegoro University, represented by Wijayanto, S.IP., M.Si., Ph.D., Vice Rector for Research, Innovation, Collaboration, and Public Communication at Undip.
- Governor of Central Java, represented by Drs. Imam Maskur, M.Si., Head of the Central Java Provincial Social Service.
- Viva Yoga Mauladi, Deputy Minister of Transmigration, Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) RI.
- Minister of Social Affairs of Indonesia, represented by Radik Karsadiguna, Director of Community Empowerment at the Ministry of Social Affairs, who officially opened the seminar.
In addition to these national figures, the seminar was also attended by lecturers, academic staff, and students of Diponegoro University.
Topics Presented in the Seminar

Seminar Pengusulan Calon Pahlawan Nasional RM. Margono Djojohadikoesoemo pada 20 Maret 2025
The seminar featured three main speakers who discussed different aspects of RM. Margono Djojohadikoesoemo’s legacy:
- Prof. Dr. Singgih Tri Sulistiyono, M. Hum. (Lecturer at FIB Undip)
- Topic: Biography of RM. Margono Djojohadikoesoemo
- Prof. Dr. Phil. Al Makin, S.Ag., M.A. (Professor at UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta)
- Topic: Exemplary Values and the Diversity of RM. Margono Djojohadikoesoemo
- Prof. Dr. Alamsyah, S.S., M.Hum. (Dean of FIB Undip)
- Topic: Criteria for a Figure to Become a National Hero: RM. Margono Djojohadikoesoemo from a Theoretical and Practical Perspective
The seminar was moderated by Prof. Dr. Taufiqurokhman, SH, A.Ks, S.Sos, M.Si., who guided the discussions throughout the event.
Impact and Future Expectations of the Seminar
This seminar is expected to serve as a strong academic foundation in the process of nominating RM. Margono Djojohadikoesoemo as a National Hero. Through historical studies, exemplary values, and his contributions to the nation, it is hoped that this nomination will receive widespread support from various stakeholders.
The Dean of FIB Undip, Prof. Dr. Alamsyah, S.S., M.Hum., expressed full support for this initiative:
“This seminar is not only about remembering history but also a concrete step in appreciating the services of national figures. We hope that the nomination of RM. Margono Djojohadikoesoemo as a National Hero will soon be realized,” he stated.
Through this seminar, the Faculty of Humanities at Undip remains committed to preserving history and culture while supporting the recognition of individuals who have made significant contributions to Indonesia.