VD : Vice Dean
FQAT : Faculty Quality Assurance Team
RCSU : Research and Community Service Unit
QAG : Quality Assurance Group
Functional Description :
1) Dean is the executive leader and the highest person in charge of the faculty
2) Senate of the Faculty of Humanities is the highest normative and deliberative board at the faculty level
3) In performing duties, the Dean is assisted by Vice Dean (I and II).
4) The Dean and Deputy Deans are leaders at the faculty level.
5) FQAT is a leadership assistant to ensure the implementation of academic quality assurance along with supporting administration at the faculty level. FQAT is assisted by QAG who is an assistant to the head of the department (chairman and secretary) in carrying out quality management. TPMF is under the coordination of Vice Dean I / Vice Dean of Academic and Student. FQAT is under the coordination of Deputy Dean I / Deputy Dean of Academic and Student Affairs.
6) Vice Dean I / Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs assists the Dean in leading the implementation of promotion and admission, education and learning, quality assurance of education, accreditation of study programs and institutions, coaching of academics, student affairs and careers.
7) Vice Dean II / Vice Dean of Resources assists the Dean to implement activities in the areas of human resources, finance, assets and logistics.
8) Head of service unit is to coordinate all the study centers and all service bureaus consisting of archival service bureaus, library bureaus, language service bureaus.
9) The scope of service unit bureau includes: coordination and monitoring regarding planning, implementation and reporting, as well as evaluation of the bureaus under it.
10) Service Bureaus (libraries, archives and languages) are each chaired by a chairman and assisted by a secretary whose process is carried out openly (open bidding), both from within and outside the organization.
11) The chairperson and secretary of the services bureau prepare planning, implementation, and reporting to Vice Dean II / Vice Dean of Resources.
12) Language service units are obliged to coordinate the language service units under it which include planning, implementation, monitoring & evaluation, and reporting based on the main tasks and functions of each.
13) The language service ed by a chairman and a secretary whose process is carried out open.
14) The chairman and secretary of each Service English Unit are obliged to plan, implement, and report to Dean I/Vice Dean of Student and Academic Affairs.
15) The study program is led by a chairman and a secretary whose the management process is carried out openly.
16) The ICT Unit (Information and Communication Technology) is a special unit that functions as a supporting unit in the field of providing information and communication technology services for all units at FIB, which includes: providing databases for all administrative fields needed (academic, student affairs, facilities and assets) and processing of data into information material displayed on the internet.
17) The ICT Unit is led by a chairman who is under the coordination of the Vice Dean II through the head of the Faculty of Humanities General Manager.
18) Center of Arts and Culture, Center of History and Culture, Center of Asian Studies become one of the excellence centers for the Faculty of Humanities. Each center is led by the chairman and responsible to the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities