Carolina Retmawati Putri, S.Ant., M.A.

Carolina Retmawati Putri, S.Ant., M.A. STUDY PROGRAM ANTHROPOLOGY SOCIAL AREA OF EXPERTISE/RESEARCH INTEREST OF LECTURER Area of Expertise: Body Construction and Sexuality. EDUCATION S1 (Bachelor’s degree): Cultural Anthropology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia S2...

Dani Mohammad Ramadhan, S.Ant., M.Ant.

Dani Mohammad Ramadhan, S.Ant., M.Ant. STUDY PROGRAM ANTHROPOLOGY SOCIAL AREA OF EXPERTISE/RESEARCH INTEREST OF LECTURER Areas of Expertise: Environmental Anthropology, Culture and Policies, Political Ecology EDUCATION S1 (Bachelor’s degree): Anthropology, Universitas...

Izmy Khumairoh S.Ant., M.A.

Izmy Khumairoh S.Ant., M.A STUDY PROGRAM ANTHROPOLOGY SOCIAL AREA OF EXPERTISE/RESEARCH INTEREST OF LECTURER Religious Anthropology EDUCATION S1 (Bachelor’s degree) : Social Anthropology, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia S2 (Master’s degree): Anthropology,...

Antonius Nur Hadi Kusno, M.A.

Antonius Nur Hadi Kusno, M.A. STUDY PROGRAM ANTHROPOLOGY SOCIAL AREA OF EXPERTISE/RESEARCH INTEREST OF LECTURER Maritime Anthropology with more of a focus on maritime ecology and economy. How ecology and economy can affect each other as well as the culture of maritime...