List of Lecturer Faculty of Humanities

Dra. Sri Puji Astuti, M.Pd.

Dra. Sri Puji Astuti, M.Pd.STUDY PROGRAM INDONESIAN LITERATUREAREA OF EXPERTISE/RESEARCH INTEREST OF LECTURER Area of expertise: Discourse analysis  EDUCATION S1 (Bachelor’s degree): Indonesian Literature, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia S2 (Master’s degree):...

Roro Isyawati Permata Ganggi, SIP., M.IP.

Roro Isyawati Permata Ganggi, SIP., M.IP.STUDY PROGRAM LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCESAREA OF EXPERTISE/RESEARCH INTEREST OF LECTURER My area of expertise is Digital Humanities, mainly on the documentation of intangible culture by utilizing multimedia tools,...

 Ika Krismayani, SIP., M.IP.

 Ika Krismayani, SIP., M.IP.STUDY PROGRAM LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCESAREA OF EXPERTISE/RESEARCH INTEREST OF LECTURER Area of Expertise/ research interest is library management.  EDUCATION S1 (Bachelor’s degree): Library and Information Sciences, UIN Sunan...

Dr. Yuli Rohmiyati, S.Sos.,M.Si

Dr. Yuli Rohmiyati, S.Sos.,M.SiSTUDY PROGRAM LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCESAREA OF EXPERTISE/RESEARCH INTEREST OF LECTURER Area of expertise in Library Science, Digital Libraries, Human Computer Interaction, Interaction Design, User Interfaces and User Experience....

Ika Nur Azizah, M.A.

Ika Nur Azizah, M.A.STUDY PROGRAM LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCESAREA OF EXPERTISE/RESEARCH INTEREST OF LECTURER My area of expertise is in Information Organization. Information Organization is a field that focuses on the management, structuring and representation of...

Muhammad Rifky Nurpratama, S.IIP., M.A

Muhammad Rifky Nurpratama, S.IIP., M.ASTUDY PROGRAM LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCESAREA OF EXPERTISE/RESEARCH INTEREST OF LECTURER My area of expertise and research interest lies in information behavior with a particular focus on the interaction dynamics between...

Fuad Wahyu Prabowo, SIP., M.A.

Fuad Wahyu Prabowo, SIP., M.A.STUDY PROGRAM LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCESAREA OF EXPERTISE/RESEARCH INTEREST OF LECTURER My area of expertise is in Knowledge Management, which encompasses thorough study of the process of the management of knowledge in an...

Lydia Christiani, S.Hum., M.Hum.

Lydia Christiani, S.Hum., M.Hum.STUDY PROGRAM LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCESAREA OF EXPERTISE/RESEARCH INTEREST OF LECTURER Experienced in teaching since 2015 in courses such as Documentation Science, Documentation Culture, Indonesian Librarianship, Information...

Gani Nur Pramudyo, M.Hum.

Gani Nur Pramudyo, M.Hum.STUDY PROGRAM LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCESAREA OF EXPERTISE/RESEARCH INTEREST OF LECTURER Archive Management encompasses aspects of information governance, record and information management, digital preservation and curation.EDUCATION S1...

Athanasia Octaviani Puspita Dewi, S.Kom., M.Cs.

Athanasia Octaviani Puspita Dewi, S.Kom., M.Cs.STUDY PROGRAM LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCESAREA OF EXPERTISE/RESEARCH INTEREST OF LECTURER Area of expertise/research interest is in information systems and information technology related to library science. Usually...

Dani Mohammad Ramadhan, S.Ant., M.Ant.

Dani Mohammad Ramadhan, S.Ant., M.Ant.STUDY PROGRAM ANTHROPOLOGY SOCIALAREA OF EXPERTISE/RESEARCH INTEREST OF LECTURER Areas of Expertise: Environmental Anthropology, Culture and Policies, Political EcologyEDUCATION S1 (Bachelor’s degree): Anthropology, Universitas...

Izmy Khumairoh S.Ant., M.A.

Izmy Khumairoh S.Ant., M.ASTUDY PROGRAM ANTHROPOLOGY SOCIALAREA OF EXPERTISE/RESEARCH INTEREST OF LECTURER Religious AnthropologyEDUCATION S1 (Bachelor’s degree) : Social Anthropology, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia S2 (Master’s degree): Anthropology, Universitas...

Antonius Nur Hadi Kusno, M.A.

Antonius Nur Hadi Kusno, M.A.STUDY PROGRAM ANTHROPOLOGY SOCIALAREA OF EXPERTISE/RESEARCH INTEREST OF LECTURER Maritime Anthropology with more of a focus on maritime ecology and economy. How ecology and economy can affect each other as well as the culture of maritime...

 Lina Rosliana, S.S., M.Hum.

 Lina Rosliana, S.S., M.Hum.STUDY PROGRAM JAPANESE LANGUAGE AND CULTUREAREA OF EXPERTISE/RESEARCH INTEREST OF LECTURER Japanese Linguistics; Applied Linguistics; Translation Studies An interdisciplinary approach to Translation Studies that collaborates linguistics,...

Dian Annisa Nur Ridha, S.S., M.A.

Dian Annisa Nur Ridha, S.S., M.A.STUDY PROGRAM JAPANESE LANGUAGE AND CULTUREAREA OF EXPERTISE/RESEARCH INTEREST OF LECTURER Modern and Contemporary Japanese Literature, Haruki Murakami, Sociology of Literature, Semiotics, Popular CultureEDUCATION S1 (Bachelor’s...

Zaki Ainul Fadli, S.S., M.Hum.

Zaki Ainul Fadli, S.S., M.HumSTUDY PROGRAM JAPANESE LANGUAGE AND CULTUREAREA OF EXPERTISE/RESEARCH INTEREST OF LECTURER My area of expertise is in Japanese culture and literature.  EDUCATION S1 (Bachelor’s degree): Japanese Literature, Universitas Gadjah Mada,...

Dr. Dra. Sri Rahayu Wilujeng, M.Hum

Elizabeth Ika Hesti Aprilia Nindia Rini, S.S., M.HumSTUDY PROGRAM JAPANESE LANGUAGE AND CULTUREAREA OF EXPERTISE/RESEARCH INTEREST OF LECTURER According to official decree: Pancasila Education, according to field of study: Philosophy, Additional competences:...

Elizabeth Ika Hesti Aprilia Nindia Rini, S.S., M.Hum

Elizabeth Ika Hesti Aprilia Nindia Rini, S.S., M.HumSTUDY PROGRAM JAPANESE LANGUAGE AND CULTUREAREA OF EXPERTISE/RESEARCH INTEREST OF LECTURER I am mainly interested in researching Microlinguistics, studying the morphology and syntax of the Japanese language and...

Rifka Pratama, S.Hum., M.A.

Rifka Pratama, S.Hum., M.A.STUDY PROGRAM ENGLISH LITERATUREAREA OF EXPERTISE/RESEARCH INTEREST OF LECTURER American StudiesRIWAYAT PENDIDIKAN 2008 – 2012 : Bachelor’s degree in English Literature, Faculty of Humanities,Universitas Diponegoro  2013 – 2015 : Master’s...